Children's Ministries
Our children's activities are open to kids from 0-11 or nursery through elementary school. We seek to create a fun and loving environment for children to learn about the good news of Jesus Christ! We meet on Wednesday nights for dinner and an age appropriate program. Sunday school is also available for all ages each Sunday morning at 9:30am.
Youth Group
Youth ministry is growing here at Loudon CP! Any child 12-18 or of middle or high school age is welcome to join us Wednesday nights for dinner and bible study. We also participate in yearly summer camps, Hearts on Fire, and Winter Jam!

Women's Ministries
Our Cumberland Presbyterian Women (CPW) provides opportunities for women to get together for worship and community outreach. Whether getting together for a bible study or special projects, their mission is to grow in faith and build strong relationships with the community. CPW meets the second Tuesday of the month.
Men's Fellowship
All of the men of our church are members of Men's Fellowship! The group provides opportunities for men to get together for worship and community outreach. Men's Fellowship meets the last Tuesday of the month.
Sunday Schools
We offer Sunday School classes for all ages! You can join us in the sanctuary where we live stream the David C. Cook program with various teachers from our congregation.
Other classes include:
Young Adult -
Seekers -
Women's Bible -
Men's Bible -
Children's -